

Health SaaS

Capsule Health

The goal was to create an intuitive interface for effortless HRA management and enrollment



Health SaaS

Health SaaS






The platform at the time was a mix of things done over several years while operating as a lean startup. The true example of an MVP (Minimum Viable Product). Customers were able to use the platform...but needed a lot of assistance with managing things.

There were several mis-matched designs, inconsistent branding, and overall a confusing user experience that prevented customers from being able to manage their HRA (health reimbursement arrangement) themselves. Most employers needed a Customer Success Manager to help them set up the HRA for their company. This included helping many small employers, which wasn't very cost-effective from a business standpoint.

Even when the HRA was set up, many company employees would need frequent assistance from enrollment specialists to help with choosing a health plan, understanding their HRA, and submitting medical expenses for reimbursement.

The ultimate goal of the new platform was to allow customers (both employers and employees) to be more self-sufficient in the HRA process. We wanted to elevate Capsule Health from a service-based approach to a more productized approach. To allow for better business scalability.


Competitor list

The HRA landscape constantly has new companies popping up, promising to revolutionize employee benefits administration. To keep track of all the competitors in the HRA industry, I created Capsule Health's very first competitor list. It was a Google Sheets document that detailed the name, inception date, number of employees, product offerings, social media, and general news of every competitor. This list proved to be very beneficial not just for the UX team, but also for the business development team to use as reference when thinking of sales angles.

After creating and sharing the competitor list spreadsheet, I set up a Slack channel for various team members so they could post the most up to date news and details about each competitor.


Several initial brainstorming sessions were held with different departments inside the company. Each department interacted with our platform in different ways, so the UX team wanted to gather all the different viewpoints. These brainstorming meetings had anywhere from 4-10 participants. Ideas, opinions, and viewpoints would be gathered together on a FigJam board.

From there, the UX team would take the meeting summaries and design some initial high-fidelity designs inside Figma. These would be presented to Product Managers during a regular, bi-weekly design review meeting.

Once the high fidelity designs were approved by the entire Product team, we moved on to planning the user testing scenarios.

The user scenarios took place with the Enrollment Specialists and Client Success Managers, positions at Capsule Health that directly worked with our customers.

  • 10 individual user testing sessions to uncover users experience with the product

  • 100+ support tickets reviewed to try to find any common pain points

  • 30+ user surveys filled out for additional customer insights

Shopping platform

Many customers would get stuck on the shopping flow for purchasing a health insurance plan. Unsure of which health plan to choose. Not filling in all important sections. Changing their mind after finishing and wanting to start over again. All of these customer pain points required frequent support from our enrollment specialists. This was not scalable.

After building a new design system from scratch, we created new designs for the complete shopping flow. With a design system and documentation on hand, we were able to establish common patterns we wanted in the user interface. Choosing a health insurance plan can be a daunting task for most people. The new shopping platform needed to be easy to understand, give positive feedback, and allow users to feel confident in their selections.

Company management

Employers should feel empowered to be able to handle their HRA administration themselves. That was the goal for the company management portion of our product, on the new platform. The legacy platform had confusing design patterns, mismatched branding, misplaced UI elements, and a confusing user flow.

Employers would frequently need to enlist the help of our Client Success Managers to help them complete tasks for their company's HRA administration. As a result, this limited our growth in helping more companies.

The new designs for the company management section of the new platform include:

  • Onboarding introduction sequence

  • Ability to download employee files in PDF or CSV formats

  • AutoPay auto-activated, for use of health premium payment for employees

  • UNIT payment processing activity feed embedded in company dashboard for easy viewing

  • Next upcoming funding event for health premium payments

  • Available balance in AutoPay funding account with UNIT


The redesigned app features a clean, clutter-free interface, making it easier for users to navigate and access essential features.The improved onboarding process resulted in a 35% increase in new user adoption rates. The addition of personalization and customization options enhanced user engagement, leading to a 25% increase in user retention rates.


Anytime a company goes through a rebrand and platform overhaul, it's going to be big. This was a massive project that involved a lot of moving parts, many different stakeholders, and a timeline of over a year. Things had to be organized and productive. There were several good things the UX and Product teams did to ensure success:

- Having quarterly reviews with the whole technology team to discuss progress and plan for the quarter ahead

- Switching the UX team from a Kanban project management style to a Scrum style, to better track progress and prevent scope creep

- Bi-weekly sprint reviews and planning sessions

- Periodic user testing after certain sections of the product were complete, in order to get feedback that could help influence future designs


Improved onboarding process

Improved onboarding process


Increase in DIY HRA Clients

Increase in DIY HRA Clients